Enabling Authors to Print & Publish
Looking Good in PrintSoftext Publishing Inc. assists authors choosing to self-publish with design, production and distribution services. Whether it’s your first book or you are an experienced author you can pick-and-choose the services that you need. You retain the copyright, maintain creative control over your work and keep the royalties.

What We Do
Manuscript & Book Development
We can help you get your words down on paper. Work with a writing coach and professional editor.
Design & Prepress
We can turn your manuscript into a thing of beauty and ready it for printing,
Print & Production
We provide our own in-house digital printing service and work with a number of trade printing services to offer you the best price and a variety of finishing options.
Sales & Distribution
We offer the opportunity to publicize and sell your book through our on-line storefront at New Press Books and can help you explore other sales channels.
Manuscript & Book Development
Got an idea for a book but having trouble getting started? Unsure of the time commitment required and where you actually start? There are dozens of questions you may have and reasons, or perhaps excuses, for not getting started.
Our manuscript and book development service pairs you with an experienced writer who acts as a coach, helping you to organize your materials, structure research, plan your book content and help you during the writing process. They will help you define your expectations and help you overcome what is holding you back. It’s an ongoing service that can be used as needed and priced to suit every budget. Writing a book is a solitary pastime but that doesn’t mean you need to do it alone.
Writers have different goals and not all works are destined to become best sellers, but that doesn’t mean they are not legitimate books. We are here to help you realize your dream of writing a book.

Design & Prepress
Our design and prepress services will make you look good in print.
You can deliver your book in a print-ready format or as most people do, provide us with an unformatted text document, Word or other, and we will design it to meet book printing standards. Design includes page layout, typeface selection and size, placement of illustrations and creating a cover. You will be involved throughout this process and have input at all times.
The prepress process takes the formatted document and readies it for printing – confirming page layouts are correct, colours are accurate and imposing it for printing on larger sheet sizes. These steps are required regardless of how finished you provide your document. This is the point at which we produce proofs for approval.
Print & Production
This is when it becomes real.
Printing is normally the largest expense you will incur in getting your work in the hands of readers, marketing is the other. With so much on the line, you want to make sure that the book in your hands meets your expectations.
Print production methods have changed significantly in the past decade with the progress of digital technology. You can now print as few as single digit quantities. We use both our own in-house digital presses and work with trade partners for large quantities. This allows us to offer you competitive prices and a variety of binding and finishing options. It also allows us for faster production times.

Distribution & Fulfillment
Getting your book into the hands of readers is a big challenge. Selling through bookstores, especially the chains is quite unlikely unless you have obtained significant publicity or are already a known author. Alternatively, you can use on-line services such as Amazon and will be one of a vast inventory of books.
In response to demand from our customers, we have created our own on-line bookstore, New Press Books. This service maintains a small physical inventory of books and handles order processing and order fulfillment at lower rates than large on-line sites. This service is available to any author, whether we have produced your book or not.
To find out more visit New Press Books.
First Time Writer Publishes Memoir
First time author Eleanor Pauling has written a candid memoir that many will find inspiring. Now 82, publishing her first book is a dream come true.
Up in the Bottom Rises Again
This popular autobiography has been newly released in a second edition by author and native Newfoundlander Noel Edward Martin. “Up in the Bottom” tells both humorous and tough stories of growing up in Lewisporte, Newfoundland in the 1950’s and life after leaving the...
Softext Publishing Inc.
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N4K 2J3
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- admin@softextpublishing.com
(519) 371 – 7464